Monday 25 April 2011

Magazine Front Cover Evaluation

I felt that the title was effective because at first glance readers may think its just a normal title but when they take a closer look at it they can see that its actually images of zombies and demons in the cover which gives a hint of the films storyline. i also felt that the title of the film “Not Alone” was an effective title because it also highlights what the film may be about. theres red in the title because it highlights that the film will have blood and gore in it, also if the reader looks closer at the title they can see that theres the same text behind it but it looks different, i did this because it gives the reader an impression that there may be ghosts or possessed figures in the film.

i put the barcode at the side of the magazine, this is important to do because it is not the main focus of the magazine and if the audience focus on the bar code they may miss key elements in the magazine. the transparency of the barcode is effective because it the barcode doesn’t stand out as much but however cane be still seen. i put the price of the magazine at the top of the title because the readers will be able to no how much its costs when they see the title other than them having to look all around the magazine, i also added the month of the issue of the magazine which makes the cover also very effective.

I used a face of a Possessed person on the front because it will catch peoples attention as soon as they look at the magazine. i incorporated images of a skeleton into the picture because it makes the possessed person look more dead and scary. his eyes are red because it shows off more that he is possessed and also makes the image stand out. i didnt want to put other images on the cover because i wanted the main focus to be on the person in the cover and not have the people distracted by other images. I wanted the main selling point to be the character on the cover.

The background colour is a mixture of red and green, we used red because it to do with blood and gore which are main selling points and conventions in horror films, i used the colour green however because that colour represents evil and also represents magic and possesivness which is also key features in the film which the audience may be able to break down if they are able to decode the colours used, also these colours are quite bright which also makes the cover stand out.

The text used “The Worlds Best Magazine” i thought was quite effective because i am able to boast about how much quality of the magazine is which i thought would make more readers to purchase it because they can see for themselves if it is actually the worlds best magazine and if it lives up to its reputation.i left it white because it also stands out from the other colours used since the backgrounds is quite dark but still colourful.

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